The one o’clock wave
Is what we’d say,
We’d walk to the river by midday.
It wasn’t about ‘us and them’,
We’re all the same, it’s just a game.
Not locals only.
Not Not in my back yard
Our mentality wasn’t about locality,
It was about having a laugh
This was the game:
Me and my mates,
We’d tell visitors and blows-in that the weir would release water from the dam at 1 o’clock everyday
This was our way
Of letting the city slickers know, this was our home.
The fools
They’d arrive with pool floaties and boogie boards.
They had no idea what they were in for.
we’d watch them waiting,
in the river, if the rains ever did deliver
the 1 o’clock wave would turn into the 1.15 wave
the 1.15 wave would turn into the half past one wave.
We’d sit there, slapping our legs, cackling, cackling, heckling.
When they realised there was no 1 o’clock wave.
It was truly a laugh of the century.
The weir didn’t release any water.
We were in a bloody drought.
It was stage four water restrictions ya bloody kookaburras.
There was only 0.5% water in the dam.
Yes, the 1 o’clock wave was a scam.
But no, we weren’t being malicious, we were being fictitious.
A bit of a local inside joke,
Just making fun of city folk
We were doing it to provoke
just a bit of a funny joke
keep them on their toes
And to keep those snobby pinky fingers down,
Because this is our town
The home of Australia’s best meat pie, the Western plains zoo and 6th most dangerous pub in New South Wales.
This is Dubbo, so if you don't like it, rack off!!!

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The One O' Clock Wave